Thursday, February 9, 2012

She got me again

She got me again
Drunk off the smell
That vibrates from her deeply soft skin
Her eyes beams
As I narrate dreams seen
To manifest from within
Back at my glass again
I'm wine in
And on the inside whine-n
For her love
I'm jones
My bones harden
Pheromone from her secret garden
In truth for me
Her body is calling
Pierced preparation at the bank of her rivers foundation
My heart cradles
The moments that now is creating
Conversation blatant
I cant stand this waitin
But what more can you say when
Jah has allowed the lips of her angelic being to sip wine with yours
Indebted to he
For granting me such mercy
Im grateful
Hugged by the wings of an angel and off her presence alone
Im full
Full of memories
That feels like 100 centuries old
Her gentle tone told stories of days passed
We both sip from our glass
As the narration goes on
We both laugh
At work place happenings
Wine kicks in
My body's craving her leg on my shoulders
What's happening
Kisses run rapid from my lips to her body
Moment so Godly
Im fishing kisses from her lake
She wants to hug me
Oh hell NAW.... I'm like waaaaiiiiT!
You can hug me forever
But for now I need you to sit your pretty pink on my face
She smiled and said not now
In all truth a brother frown
And by now my pants were down
Back up
I backed up
She moved in
I gave in
Hugs from an angel
She got me again