Saturday, February 26, 2011


what's precious about
years of anger & oppression
rape & molestation
low self esteem
hatred with no expectations
we live in a sick world
where diamonds & pearls
are stolen from in between the legs of many girls
mom's depression expressed through misplaced aggression
pop's left mom in sips of Thunderbird with brandy
a father who fathered a dysfunctional family
his daughter is his grand-daughter screaming with down-syndrome
JAH-how can this be
acts of insanity
the epitome of an American tragedy
bulletproof tears
for years pressure building up
baby thrown to the floor
precious had enough
momma scream
you fighting back-oh bitch you think you tough
what's wrong with this picture
as if slavery wasn't enough
denial is the bedroom of satan
hurt people hurt people
insecurities born a self destructive nature
i"ve seen precious in the face of many
struggling under pressure & feel they have no way out
so black on black crime is how it play out
this is how it fades out
verbally abusive to the point of feeling useless
confused and lied to
it these were your circumstances
what would you do

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