Thursday, September 8, 2011

Precious Moving On

It takes strength to believe
Believe me it does
Today's a new day
No long where I was

Face full of water
In order to regain consciousness
There's a ring at the door
Momma thinking who in the hell is it

Momma confused
Screaming about saving her welfare blues
And her blues about her baby's father
Fathering her baby's babies too

Children yellin for help
Through imaginary acts
Being white and not black
Skinny and no longer fat

Phycological break down
Praying everyday
That some day
Will come a break now

Reality is hell
So she's better off dreaming
At times she doesn't like being there
Because she wakes up screaming

Instead of seeing God
In her mom
She's confronted by her momma's demons
Only if her dad would have exposed of his semen

Filled with hopes and dreams
But her environment is hell
Every time she looks into a mirror at herself
I love you is hard to tell

Yellow is her favorite color
But she's not reflecting it's energy
The death of a precious butterfly
At the verbal hands of her mother

Fighting for her baby
And maybe not fit fully
But through her teacher
She knows that God has something for she

Home from the hospital
Momma holding her grandson saying he looks just like her man
Precious getting water
Glass flys from momma's hand

Monster on the loose
She grabs T.V from the stand
Precious falling down the steps
With Abdul in her hands

T.V hits the floor
Precious got up and ran
Today's a new day
The test of a true woman

So much hurt and pain born in America
And never saw her dream such is crying shame
Born into sin
And worse in this American machine

Raped or consensual
Perception in this case is detrimental
The strength of a fighter
Base off of the fights with life that she's gotten in to

She has her eyes on the prize
Regardless of the social ills and family ties
Family is that of alike spirit
Because blood family lies

It takes strength to believe
Believe me it does
Today's a new day
Precious is no long where I was


  1. Love this poem! Do you still work at the school and you are the best African poet and writer i know!

  2. Peace and love, I've moved forward since then. thanks for your recognition. all glory to Jah for allowing me to be a artistic being in the light of positive expression.

  3. Your welcome and I wish you the best life and forever you shall have the blessings of a great writer!
