Saturday, October 1, 2011

day 7 of my 21 day liquid fast/ancient egyptian proverbs

Peace and blessings beautiful people, my fast is going great. I have a great deal of energy and my spirit is on high. In 7 days I've lost 9 pounds. To great news just came through the wire from one of my Baba's. Give thanks, all praise due Jah.

"The day time of the body is the night time of the soul; the night time of the body is the daytime of the soul."

"Awaken yourself, you who are Heru! Rise up against Set! Raise yourself and Asar, as a spiritDivine, as the son of Geb, being his first born, arise as Anpu and be the object of adoration for all!"

"one man is rich, another is poor, but food remains for him who shares it. As to him who was rich last year, he is a vagabond this year; don't be greedy to fill your belly, you don't know your end at all. should you come to be in want, another may do good to you. When last year's watercourse is gone, another river is here today."

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