Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Day 4 out of 21... fasting is humbling

From my reading during my sacrifice...
"To change your mood or mental state, change your vibration."
"If you travel on a road made by your own hands each day, you will arrive at the place where you want to be."
"Stand in a place uncovered to the sky, facing west to the sinking sun, and make your solemn worship, and the same way as he rises to the east in the morning. Now, make thy body still."
"You, alone can speak. Wonder at this glorious prerogative; and pay to the Supreme who gave to you the gift of life a rational and welcome praise, teaching your children wisdom, instructing the offspring of your loins in piety."
"O praise the goodness of the Supreme Being with songs for thanksgiving, and meditate in silence on the wonders of HIS and HER love; let thyheart overflow with gratitude and acknowledgment, let the language of thy lips speak praise and adoration, let the actions of thy life show thy love to Universal Law."

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