Saturday, February 26, 2011


it's evident
for women & men
still yarning to be saved
for the torture we received as slaves
brave souls of the night
still believing that Jesus is white
having sex for the hell of it
but when it's hell you get
you neglect the connection between you and it
mother on her mean
shakin' her baby with oil rushin to kiss her lips
as she screams
beg forgiveness and pray to Elohim
a daughter lost between
life and her dreams
dancing a million midnights into existence
hated by her sister is her perception
her grandfather touched her-her sister and her mother
mother found God
so her history she tried hard to hide
but her story was told true through her baby girl's eyes
her legs she kept open wide
as a way to survive
a tear cracked the sky
for two children who couldn't fly
babies aborting babies
satan is alive
powerful women
running their husband's lives
bending men over is how he kept his pride
dreams within dream
who among you is living a lie
the absence of love birth pain
denial with no desire to change
heart break hotel
colored issue placed back on the auction block
sign reads for sale
from 1608 til now
we've been catchin' hell
been wantin' to tell someone with a heart
but there's no one here to tell
pitch black rainbows
living in a country where the stars don't spangle
red represents the blood in our love triangle
white are the men that stole innocence
of a once blue sky
our issue aren't our own
to the title ask why

1 comment:

  1. Ok so I just cried after reading For Colored Girls. *snaps *snaps
