Saturday, February 26, 2011


do you feel me
like i can you
this feeling is sickening
my desire to feel the physical touch
of a far off dream
or so you seem
because you hasn't seen
anything like i as a reality
death would be easier than not having you
so consider the considerable
it was said that all is fair in love & war
so place me on the front line before a mighty army
and i shall fight time
til the death of one of us
you are a beauty never seen before yet memorable
are you listening
to the whispering heart of me
oh how i need thee
shelter from the cold
you are scripture engraved on the wall of my soul
hold steady for just a moment
watching you move and interact with the rest of who you are
by far sends me into a trance
yet and still
i steal these moments from across a colorful room
silhouettes and prayers
these layers of thoughts
thinking if i'm connecting what i'm feeling
do you feel me
without your arms
i'm  talking about the soul me
do your heart reflect the pain of not feeling the physical me
do you wonder if i'm listening or if you're message is getting through to me
you play it so cool
just this one dance with life and i
just to this one song called forever
written by God
do you feel me

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