Monday, May 23, 2011

Gone in 60 seconds

center stage of me
on the face of he
she sits
the moment is emphasized
to our surprise
Jah tears are translated into rain
a love lost purposefully in translation
as aged grapes take part in the ceremony
elevated thoughts
and thought thinks as he speaks
authentic liquids from her eden
fulfilling mystery has me sleeping
between now & nowhere
sacred moans and meditative prayers
she scream bed creams into existence
as i day dream flash backs of her bent back
forward thrust
this is going to be 60 seconds of
late night wants
come back please
thoughts of meeeezzzz
by sheeezzz
and weeeeezzzz
having a in depth conversation with Jah
about her being
and my being hungry for her
longing for her
crying for a place in zion for us
60 seconds has never been as long as this is
what this is is
60 moments calculated with precision
Jah's intuition
of a man chasing an angel's vision
of a sunset pyramid angle to a perfect waterfall
and he laid there kissing her lips long
45 seconds she's twitching
jerking her hips and leaking life
on the face of him
she clench tightly
embracing him
thunder storms strong
as if her and nature were heavenly in tune
I wish i could tell you more but
in 60 seconds i was gone

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