Sunday, May 15, 2011

A Grandmother's Prayer

Another black son is gone
Another mother mourns the life of her prince
Tears are born and the candles are lit
Distant prayers and a silent wish
Asking God and his angels to protect a grandmother's gift
Hearts are torn and in our chest pain exist
God there has to be a place better than this
Where the laws are JUST and our babies are protected
It feels as if no one is safe anymore
No LOVE in the heart of this city
Just unjustified war
Criminals of all kind thinking that they are above the law
Cops killing children
There's no wonder that the youth don't respect the law
My hands are getting tired and my knees are sore
Please protect my grandchildren
I can't do this much more
You borrowed this one but let the rest be due to natural cause
At times I just wanna holler and scream
My grandchild is gone
He will never get to hear about his daughter's dreams
You told me to never wish ill-will on anyone
But how would you feel if the police took out your grandson
This is a grandmother plea
A cry
A call for help
I need you God
I can't do this by myself
I'm given this all to you
My pain in layers
As I count my blessings and hold my grand-babies close
In this grandmother's prayer

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