Thursday, April 14, 2011

Creative beams of light

We are the most gracious children of God
We are not just autistic
We are creative
We are brilliant
We are gifted
We were crafted out of love for life
We have beautiful brown eyes
We have shinning black eyes
We have healthy green eyes
And those other colors in between
We are bright beams of light
Taken for granted & hardly seen
We have long straight hair
We have sun tight kinky hair
We have curly hair
And we wear cornrows at times
because of our perceived weakness
We have triggers and ticks of all kinds
We are autistic
Yet we are divine
We are children geniuses from another space & time
We are guardian angels dancing & taping stick
Under a bright beam of light
Reflecting all that is pure
Reflecting all that is raw
Reflecting all that is us
Reflecting all that is love
Reflecting all that is just
We dream of one day speaking in a language called understanding
Hopping to not be misunderstood
We ask that you continue to have faith & patience
So that one day God will help you to better understand us
Love us without fuss
We cry not for us but for you
We cry for you going to school for years & still find yourself
Having difficulty with us
Open up your heart & accept us accordingly
We are autistic
We are creative
We are brilliant
We are gifted
But most of all
In the eyes of God
We aren't so difference

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