Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Thought's past

I can hear you during the hibernation of my ears
I can smell you in the air of my soul
I can see you in the midst of my fog
I felt you before the growth of arms
I can taste the no-thingness of life and love in my dreams

Who are you and how did you get here
My thoughts of you have passed my days
Now I find self interacting with silhouettes during moon hours
My dreams
My silent screams
My life long theme
My secrete scenes of us
Love and at times straight lust
Nobody can touch us
Let's dwell here 4ever
Only death can part us
Never did I think that I would be in love and not be able to have you
But such is life and us humans don't know better

So I'll send kisses in the wind
As you continue to smile
and BE with HIM

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